REEDStalks is a series of lectures by researchers connected to the REEDS-network in which they get a chance to present their research on dialect syntax. The talks take place roughly once a month, on Zoom, and will be available to all those interested. The organizer of this lecture series is Engela De Villiers. You can contact her by e-mail if you want to know more about the REEDStalks.
10 January 2025: Stef Grondelaers (Meertens Institute) and Dirk Speelman (KU Leuven) - To be or not to be (there): Functional and regional constraints on the syntax of existential sentences
21 February 2025: Edoardo Cavirani (KU Leuven)
Past REEDStalks events:
20 December 2024: Floris Nijhuis (University of Groningen; visiting scholar at QLVL (KU Leuven)) - Using Population Genetic Techniques to Model Language Structure: A Case Study of the Former Zuiderzee Region in the Netherlands
18 October 2024: Sarah Bernolet (University of Antwerp) - How do the Dutch and Flemish respond to ‘hun-subjecten’? A reading study using the MAZE task
10 May 2024: Pritha Chandra (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi) - The Emergence of Politeness: Evidence from Dialects
26 April 2024: Benedikt Szmrecsanyi (KU Leuven) - Variation-Based Distance and Similarity Modeling: Varieties of English and beyond
15 March 2024: Frances Blanchette (Penn State University) and Cynthia Lukyanenko (George Mason University) - What’s in a grammar? Variation in American English Negation
16 February 2024: Jacopo Garzonio (University of Padua) and Cecilia Poletto (Goethe University Frankfurt & University of Padua) - Living on the edge: On bare and non-bare NCIs across Italo-Romance
19 January 2024: Hannah Gibson (University of Essex), Lutz Marten (SOAS), and Teresa Poeta (University of Essex) - Researching morphosyntactic variation in Swahili
15 December 2023: Jennifer Smith (University of Glasgow) - Passing judgement on crowdsourced data