Quantitative Lexicology and Variational Linguistics (QLVL)
Our research group is looking forward to investing in this research network, because it touches upon, or even sits at the heart of, several long-term research lines of our group. We have a long tradition in lectometric research, calculation 'linguistic distances' between national varieties (Dutch and English), register and genre differences (Dutch and English), regiolects (Dutch, English, Italian), and, last but not least, dialects (Dutch). We also have a long research tradition in quantitative investigations into syntactic variation, both at the level of individual syntactic patterns and at the aggregated level, aggregating over many syntactic phenomena. Third, we are particularly interested in the sociolinguistic dimension of linguistic variation, a dimension we believe is particularly important in dialect research. Finally, our group has developed substantial computational and statistical expertise in the area of quantitative aggregate-level research into language variation. QLVL is looking forward to sharing (methodological) knowledge with, and learning from, the partners of this research network. We believe a lot can be gained from working with shared resources and building a shared methodological 'common ground'.